From flea markets to music festivals – takes half of the event planning chaos off your shoulders and helps you succeed faster!

Me aitame sul festivali korraldamisel õnnestuda!

Every startup begins with a certain everyday pain, usually a personal concern for which a solution is sought. This is also how the platform for finding and managing vendors for event organizers was born.

A big coffee lover, Taniel Vaaderpass, used to offer coffee at events from event to event and kept hitting the same wall each time. “The Stone Age event planning with notebooks and endless drive folders made me think each time that there must be an easier way to organize an event and manage all the vendor chaos on the go,” he explains. “I spoke with many organizers and always got the same response – just do it!” brings together experienced vendors: shops, caterers, and entertainers

The primary concern for every event organizer is that while the idea is good, one cannot create a successful event alone. “From the expectation of more people attending the event, there is a greater emphasis on logistics and safety,” Vaaderpass shares. “The idea of the event might be excellent, but quickly the concerns arise about where the entrance and information point are, who’s catering, who’s providing drinks, who’s selling t-shirts, and who’s cleaning up?” While professional festival and fair organizers have their databases in Excel, smaller organizers spend a tremendous amount of energy, according to Vaaderpass, just to find the right vendors and partners. “It takes weeks, and in reality, it requires an entire sales department if the event has a larger scope and ambition.”

On the other hand, the startup founder found himself in conversations where various caterers and service providers complained about the same thing – seasons are fast-paced and short, finding suitable events to conduct business at takes a lot of time. “In addition to all the paperwork, negotiations, and reaching agreements – all of it is time-consuming, affecting business success,” he explains. Thus, was established to solve these two concerns simultaneously.

The platform offers vendors a good overview of events, festivals, fairs, and markets taking place across Estonia, where active partners are actively sought. Event organizers, on the other hand, are relieved of a significant portion of the sales pressure and time burdens, as Provente smoothly connects the parties.

Kauplejate ja teiste koostööpartnerite leidmine on nüüd imelihtne!
Kauplejate ja teiste koostööpartnerite leidmine on nüüd imelihtne!

And then the chaos of organizing begins…

Another pain point that Taniel Vaaderpass identified while selling coffee at festivals and other events was the on-site confusion, endless time consumption, and uncertainty – who is located where, who is next to whom, and how much space is taken up? “These are actually issues that no event organizer wants to deal with gladly, but they have to,” he says. “And then boxes are drawn in notebooks, and graphs drawn in Paint that nobody understands.” So, this problem also had to be solved and streamlined.

Hence,’s event organizer platform gained a significant functionality – the ability to easily create a sub-plan, which is automatically linked to event registration or partnership proposals. “If a vendor – caterer, vendor, service provider – is interested in doing business at the event, they can immediately choose their placement among the available locations,” the founder explains. “For larger sponsorship deals or partnership projects, these can still be planned continuously and by agreement, yet still, the entire event sub-plan is constantly visible.”

If it’s an exciting festival or a fantastic summer event, vendors flock in from all directions because seasonal business in Estonia is crucial to them. “Let’s not waste time on unnecessary things related to these event planning processes because now there’s a real solution for that!” encourages Vaaderpass.

Through Provente, every event organizer can become the best juggler!
“Today, we are already testing AI solutions that help predict, for example, people’s movements in various event-related territories, to provide organizers with very precise recommendations on how to make the event more efficient and secure, ultimately leading to higher profits,” describes the founder’s future vision. Today, significant events such as Õllesummer, Viljandi Pärimusmuusika Festival, Haridustreff, various street food festivals, Kuressaare Merepäevad, and tens of others already use the organizer platform.

“Summer shows us all the bottlenecks that we can further refine in the service, and I am convinced that next summer, no major event in Estonia will take place without involving Provente,” says Vaaderpass. “We just help save so much time and money that it benefits every organizer, addressing all the stress and headache we save them!” And then the doors to the world market will be open for the startup. “Of course, we are also looking beyond Estonia because the same Stone Age approach exists in many countries where events are held significantly more frequently due to fewer climate interruptions,” he reveals his future plans. “Today, we are doing a lot of substantial work with investors, but I believe that there will be good news coming soon. solves a significant concern in the sector, providing people with the necessary circus and bread and knowledge – conferences, fairs, community events, major music events, cultural gatherings, all fall within our scope.”

Publishing an event in Provente is free.
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