Managing partners in event planning: how to navigate through chaos and risks to a successful business and pleasant experience?

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Make your event planning easier and earn more revenue.

Festivals, concerts, themed fairs, conferences, seminars, summer days, and all other events – there are truly various reasons to invite people to gather and spend time beneficially or emotionally and consume. Above all, this is a business filled with risks for organizers.

One thing common to all these events is a large number of necessary partners and the obligation to understand their requirements and business needs in order for them to be successful at the event. Who will provide coffee or cocktails? Who will cater food? Who will sell souvenirs or t-shirts? What location at the event is best for them?

Different themed vendors are essential for the positive budget and success of every event. The more exciting the selection of vendors, the happier the attendees who have purchased tickets to the event will be, as they not only enjoy the provided program but also fill their stomachs, entertain themselves, and experience something new.

Searching for suitable vendors, conducting negotiations, formalizing contracts, and smoothly and hassle-freely managing them at the event is one of the most costly and complex parts of the entire planning process, with errors being easy to make. However, we understand that after many weeks and months of rigorous management, the event organizer also wants to enjoy the fruits of their labor. This is possible!

Who arrives when, where they are located, how much space they need, and what electricity they consume to ensure everything runs smoothly? Organizing contracts and collecting participation fees from vendors is another necessary but tedious process, especially when you need to focus on many other important details at the same time.

Event planning needs to be more logical and simpler!

Provente’s event organizer management platform addresses multiple concerns at once, integrating everything into one logical and smooth whole. If you are planning an event, it’s worth reading on.

Open your event for applications from 400+ vendors

Today, Provente’s database already contains over 400 vetted and thematic vendors across Estonia, whom you no longer have to chase from the market using sales resources. Our database of quality partners grows every week.

By publishing your upcoming event on Provente, various vendors will express their interest in participating in your event. You select the best ones and confirm the collaboration. Everything else – formalizing contracts, mediating fees, confirming location at the event, and other necessary agreements – is handled swiftly within the system.

Effortlessly create the necessary areas for caterers, service providers, souvenir sellers, and other vendors who wish to participate in your event and place them in the right location, right scale, and agreed conditions.

Ongoing communication with vendors is now simple and logical!

In the weeks leading up to each event, a lot of necessary operational information needs to be shared with partners. We make this a one-click easy process for you so that all parties are always informed and aware of what’s happening.

Turn participation fees at the event into auction-based to earn more revenue!

You are not obliged to fix participation fees, although you have the option to do so.

Vendors who wish to participate in your event can make offers for specific, higher-value locations through Provente, providing you with important information on what locations are more valued at your event. They can bid for their participation, allowing you to start substantial negotiations.

Companies, vendors: secure a spot early on at business-appropriate events and earn more

Make sure you get the most out of themed events and festivals, always being close to your desired (repeat) customers. With Provente, you always have a clear overview of where and what events are happening, allowing you to be among the first to make your participation request and offer.

Attending events is no longer a string of business coincidences and serendipity but part of a well-planned business and marketing plan. From there, everything with us proceeds simply and smoothly.

Publish your first event for free!

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